Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Conceiving a Boy: What You Need to Know

If you're trying to predict the gender of a child, here are some tips to help you conceive a boy. For generations couples have followed things such as the mothers birthday, zodiac signs and the times of the month the baby is conceived to help influence the gender of their child, in fact these myths, old wives tales and stores have been around for as long as childbirth has been. {Obviously many if not all of these types of stories and theories have no scientific merit whatsoever and many of these centuries-old tips and techniques give you nothing more than a 50/50 chance of conceiving either gender.} But with advancements in science and medicine there are some tips on conceiving a boy you might want to consider as they are based on more scientific reasoning and principle.

Most tips on conceiving a boy consider the fact that many doctors believe that the sperm containing the Y chromosomes for boys move faster but die quicker than the ones containing the X chromosomes for girls. If you want faster sperm in order to better reach that egg, you need to consider your sexual technique. Allowing the sperm with the Y chromosome a better chance of reaching the egg, or winning the race so to speak, is believed to be possible by deeper penetration during intercourse. {Sexual tips on conceiving a boy might be a bit personal and make you uncomfortable but keep in mind that conception is a difficult and tricky process but one that starts with intercourse.} Many also feel that laying on your back with your legs in the air such as propped up against the wall after intercourse can also encourage the faster sperm to reach that egg; this also means that the sperm containing the Y chromosome has more of a chance at fertilization before it dies. Don't feel ashamed because of these tips on conceiving a boy; any steps you can take to increase the chances can only help, not vice versa.

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