Friday, December 26, 2008

Assisted Infertility Technology And Pregnancy

infertility counseling

The majority of fertility clinics will provide you with a pregnancy test a couple of weeks after your treatment but if you want to carry out yourself, home pregnancy test tools will also give you a reasonably true indication at a couple of weeks. Please bear in mind that oftentimes when home pregnancy tests are conducted too soon after female infertility treatment, they can often indicate a false positive answer. There are, of course, other signs of pregnancy that you will see, for example: abrupt mood changes, sore breasts and the need to use the toilet more frequently, nausea, missing your period, fatigue and greater sense of smell and taste.

Signs of Infertility

By And Large, the fertility clinic will keep in contact in the early weeks when you become pregnant to carry out ultrasound scans to check the growth of your foetus. There are some that do not provide extended care, in which case you will need to make your own arrangements for your prenatal care and birth.

Some women take a while to get used to the fact that they are pregnant after a course of fertility treatment so don't concern yourself if, in the beginning, you are not as [happy/exhilarated] about as you believed you would be. Don't be too concerned if you feel this, as many pregnant mothers have them if they discover they are having a baby and it impacts those that have had a natural pregnancy as often as it does with those who have used a fertility clinic.

Emotionally, you may find being pregnant tough but actually your pregnancy is unlikley to be any different to a person who didn't have fertility treatment. Often, it may be necessary to have supplemental scans at the hospital. A number of reasons exist including a past miscarriage (or stillbirths), if expecting more than one baby and of course, your general health. One of the most important reasons is when the mum is older because as you age the more likely it is that troubles will come about.

Over a million babies around the globe have now been born as a result of assisted conception treatment such as in vitro fertilisation and the chances are you will give birth to a healthy baby. However, all medical treatments have some dangers and there isn't a way of overlooking the small chance of a problem, irrespective of how the baby was conceived, although most problems are comparatively small. Easier to say than to do, you should try to slow down during the pregnancy as much as possible.

Infertility Counseling

It is a harsh reality but the number of women who have a miscarriage after receiving fertility treatment like IVF is just a little more than women who become pregnant without help. There are a couple of likely causes for this: the first being that a pregnancy test is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy after the fertility treatment. There is also the possiblility that a woman who conceived naturally may receive what she believes is a late menstrual period when in fact an embryo has been produced, but failed to implant. There is also an increased chance of miscarrying when you are mature and women who have fertility treatment are usually older normally than those who conceive by natural means. Concerns raised on this subject would be best resolved by your own fertility clinic consultant.

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