With more and more people taking up acupuncture, especially when they are using it to treat infertility. It is fact that it is a commonly known traditional chinese practice in the East.
With that kind of popularity, no wonder there are tons of infertility acupuncture specialists sprouting all over across the United States - and contrary to popular belief - are not necessarily of an Asian ethnicity.
How it works?
These traditional chinese practitioners use this ancient healing to insert fine needles into specific acupressure points that stimulate blood flow. In order to stimulate the body to achieve mental and physical balance, the needle used are controlled and regulated by FDA. That's why many people in the West are beginning to take note this ancient art of healing. This ancient art of healing is more than 1000 years old in China.
Did you know?
Do you know that infertility acupuncture does not hurt at all? Most patients will feel a small twinge during the procedure. Improved ovulation and menstrual cycles, sperm mobility and motility are some of the wide benefits reported when using acupuncture to treat infertility.
The people using this?
It is more suitable for couples who are suffering from infertility and are seeking to improve their in-vitro fertilization (IVF) experience, it has the ability to improve the quality and quantity of their eggs.
In order to result in higher pregnancy rate, the patient has to undergo the acupuncture treatment immediately before and after egg transfer, this generally causes the uterus to relax. Or wise, the contractions within the uterus could expel the egg.
There are many western researchers that are careful of this traditional practice, but now even major health institutes are adopting it since they have found evidence of the benefits of infertility acupuncture.
The four things you need to know before engaging in infertility acupuncture?
First, acupuncture is for irregular ovulation as compared to tube blockage that is more of a structural problem.
Second, this procedure is not one time and require several sessions with a practitioners over some weeks. There are tons of chinese infertility acupuncture experts recommending chinese herbs as an added supplements when treatment infertility.
Third, there are cases whereby infertility acupuncture and western medicine are a perfect combination. It need not be a stand-alone treatment. However, patients need to facilitate good communication between both doctors to see if there could be a possible reaction between medications. You just have to make sure that the acupuncturist is licensed to give treatment within your state.
Although the exact reasons why fine needles poked in your body can help you conceive is not known, infertility acupuncture has gained popularity because it has shown results. One special reason of using acupuncture is to regulate the blood flow within the body which in turn relaxes a person, ideal for conception.
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