Saturday, November 1, 2008

Are You Wondering What to Eat in Order to Have a Baby Boy?

Does a woman's diet have anything to do with the gender of her child? Some believe it does, and others then wonder what to eat in order to have a baby boy. Before you start making your shopping list there are some things you want to consider first. Number one, there is no magic recipe or special shake you can whip up in the blender that is going to guarantee the gender of your child, boy or girl. While some may advise you on what to eat in order to have a baby boy, these changes may only increase your odds very slightly, if at all, so be prepared for a girl when the pregnancy does happen and get that ultrasound from the doctor before you pain the nursery blue and toss out the "girl's section" of the baby name book.

It's believed that the "boy sperm" from a man travels faster but lasts for less time than the heartier "girl sperm." This is where your considerations of what to eat to increase your chance of conceiving a baby boy come into play. When you create an atmosphere or environment that is difficult for the sperm to survive in, you make it that much more difficult for the "boy sperm" to last long enough to reach an egg. So basically you want foods that will help to preserve sperm so that you can help them survive for longer. Most people believe that the sodium in salty foods and the potassium in red meat can both help in this regard. Many recommend saltine crackers or soda bread, both of which have high sodium content. An increase in red meat every day might also help.

A word of caution though. If you are thinking of changing what you eat in order to have a baby boy you must be very careful that you don't put your health at risk. Too much salt can make you retain water and can cause your blood pressure to go up. Too much red meat is also somewhat unhealthy as the body has a hard time digesting it. Whatever changes you decide to make to your diet – be sure and run them past a doctor first.

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