It can be quite surprising to learn that a newborn baby is easily able to sense and touch as well as smell even within a few hours after having entered into this world. In fact, the baby will show signs of being contented as well as happiness every time it is being cuddled or hugged close to the body. All these facts should encourage mothers and parents to hold their newborn baby close to them without fear or reason to worry.
Mothers Are More Easily Recognizable
Typically, a mother is the first person who will develop very close bonds with the newborn baby and the reason for this is that she is the person that breastfeeds the baby who in turn soon learns to recognize its mother before recognizing any other person. For fathers, bonding with the newborn baby takes a little bit longer and it is a slower process since he is never at the forefront of taking care of the newborn baby. However, in these present times, fathers too are spending more and more time with their little ones and so, the barriers are coming down in this regard.
Regardless of whether it is the father or mother, a newborn baby needs to bond closely with his parents and once he has begun to understand who is who, he will soon understand which parent does what and this newfound knowledge will make the baby grow in confidence and also develop a better sense of self-esteem. The closer the newborn baby comes to his parents the better are the chances of his developing a more positive individuality.
Parents can learn a lot about their newborn babies by observing how nurses in a hospital handle the newborns. Once the parent can confidently handle the newborn baby, chances are that their confidence will rub off on the baby who in turn will benefit and become more confident as well.
Parents also need to make good eye-to-eye contact with their newborn baby as this will help the baby learn to imitate the expressions that he sees in the eyes of his parents. Soon, he will also start imitating the voice of his parents and his gurgling will soon change into recognizable sounds.
Besides learning to bond with your newborn baby, it is also important that you spend time in preparing for clothing him. It is recommended that parents buy newborn baby clothes even before the little one has come into this world. In case you have begun to experience trouble bonding with your newborn, don’t despair because you can always find a solution to this problem.
An eBook to help you learn how to connect to your unborn baby and newborn Click Here!
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