Sleep problems in children are oftentimes very different from the sleep troubles that beset grownups. Reports have established that kids who do not receive adequate sleep at night will oftentimes nod off in class, will not have the energy to exercise and will experience feelings of depression. Nightmares, bedwetting and sleepwalking are familiar symptoms of sleep problems in children, so parents should know how to deal with these issues. If you are worried about your youngsters sleeping habits, then read on for some valuable advice on getting them into a sleep schedule that will better their quality of life.
When they are first born, babies have irregular sleep patterns and might only sleep for one or two hours at any one time. Nevertheless, over the period of 24 hours, they will average around 16 hours total sleep time. Once they start getting older, the quantity of sleep young children need, will gradually decrease. While a pre school toddler may still need upwards of 12 hours sleep a day, once they start school, that number will reduce to roughly ten hours. Even so, no two children are the same and each will have their own particular sleep pattern.
Studies have suggested that, as many as thirty seven percent of all youngsters suffer some type of major sleep issues including disrupted sleep, nightmares, sleepwalking and unwillingness to go to sleep. Bedwetting is an additional problem in older children. The culmination of these issues can be the trigger of attention and behaviour problems as well as attention deficit hyperactive disorder or ADHD in some school age children. If your child has difficulty getting off to sleep, it is essential for you, as a parent, to figure out if the cause may be the result or side effect of any ADHD medication they might be taking.
Kids can protest their bedtime for several reasons. However, establishing consistent bedtime rituals can serve to quash sleep problems in children. This can include bathing, cleaning teeth, reading stories or saying prayers. This down time should be relaxing. If your youngster suffers from nightmares or night terrors, then lay down with them in their bed until they drift off. Do not take them to your own bed, because doing so will not encourage them to feel safe and comfy in their own bedroom. It also helps if you talk with your youngster about why sleep is important. Tell them that sleep will help them to have more vitality to play and grow up strong. This gives them an inducement to sleep more.
Visiting a physician can treat sleep problems in children. In more serious cases, you can be referred to sleep disorder centers in your area. It is broadly speaking, not a good idea to treat children with sleep medicine, but there are cognitive therapy techniques that can help your child sleep better and live healthier.
Helpful ebooks and Guides: How to get your baby to sleep through the night
The Baby Sleep Solution Audio Program
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