The Must Have Checklist for Traveling with an Infant
Traveling with a baby/infant can be overwhelming for the first time due to the amazing amount of stuff that such a little person needs each and every day. When we are in the comfort of our own homes we take for granted the amount of things we use to care for our children each day.
Here is a checklist that will hopefully make traveling with your baby easier, more efficient and enjoyable...oh and hopefully help you keep your sanity.
Toys- Always have a few of your babies favorite toys. You will need this distraction while trying to go through airport security or waiting in long lines. I recommend toys that can attach to the car seat or stroller...otherwise you might be playing the pick up and wash game over and over.
Blankets- Bring a couple of blankets especially if your child has a security blanket. You can use them to let the child rest or play on the floor, shade your baby or protect your clothing from spit up or unexpected diaper leaks.
Breast Pump - If you use a breast pump or if you are going to use one get one of the traveling kinds that is easy to transport. I loved my Medela Pump In Style Advanced - Metro Bag . It comes in a discreet black carrying case with everything you need.
Car Seat- Car seats are always important to take unless you plan on renting one from a rental car company. They make traveling on planes and cars safer. You can also get travel accessories and toys for your car seat to keep your child occupied.
Stroller- If you can get a small travel stroller (especially one that will collapse and looks like a large umbrella) it can easily be checked at gates or stored in overhead bins on airplanes. Baby Planet Max Traveler Stroller Black/Gray also J.L. Childress Co. Stroller Gate Check Bag .
Clothes- Always make sure to pack One to Two extra outfits in your diaper bag or carry on luggage in case your baby spits up or has a diaper leak. Also pack socks or booties. By the way it is always a good idea to pack and extra shirt or two for yourself in case you get spit up on...nothing worse than smelling like baby barf in tight airplanes.
Diapers- I always pack way more diapers than I will probably need whether I am traveling by road or by plane that way I am covered if there is a traffic jam or plane delay.
Lansinoh Diaper Rash Ointment - The last thing you want is for your child to have an uncomfortable diaper rash with no cream for relief so make sure to pack a tube.
Extra Bottles, Nipples or Sippy Cups- This way you have a back up if one is dirty and you don't have quick access to a restroom to wash the bottle, nipple or sippy cup.
Extra Pacifiers- Always a good idea to have at least three that way if one is lost and one is dirty you still have a "mute button"
First Aid Kit- It is a good idea to have something like me4kidz Medibag First Aid Kit so you can treat your child for minor injuries they may receive while traveling. Hopefully you will never need it.
Formula, water and/or juices- This is great to keep your child hydrated and it always helps a child's ears on an airplane if they have the distraction of eating and the sucking on the bottle will help the popping of their ears.
Portable/Inflatable Bath Tub- Safety 1st Kirby Inflatable Tub -Blow it up, fill it up, and splash away. This soft, inflatable tub is a great in-between for the baby who's outgrown the infant tub but isn't quite ready for the adult tub. Forgiving sides protect from accidental bumps, and the ample dimensions offer plenty of space to play. Not a neccessity but depending on your accomodations you might prefer it to bathing your child in a hotel tub.
Pack N Play- You can get a pack n play or phil&teds traveller Red . Imagine a full-size crib that weighs less than your baby. This incredibly portable crib/play yard travels like a dream and sets up quickly and easily with a cushioned, insulated, self-inflating mattress. It's a comfortable, secure place for your baby to sleep indoors, play outdoors.
Night light- If your child is afraid of the dark or sleeping in a different place this will help soothe them. It is also helpful to you when changing diapers in the middle of the night. KidCo Shock Shield Hi-Lo Night Light
Plastic Bags- You are supposed to take plastic bags with you when you walk your dogs well the same goes for children. Always have extra plastic bags on you to put dirty diapers, dirty clothes or dirty blankets in so the mess doesn't get mixed in with clean items in your diaper bag. Classy Kid Green & Clean Diaper Sacks (75-Pack)
Travel Silverware and baby food- You can't always get baby food at the local convenient store or airport store so pack a couple extra.
Chest Carrier or Sling- This will help you carry your child with ease and leave your hands free to carry other important items.
Lotions, disinfecting gels, baby shampoo, etc- Help your child fight off germs and stay clean by having small bottles of these items in a ziploc bag.
Tissues- To help stop the runny noses so your shirt sleeve doesn't have to.
Wipes- Wipes can be your best friend to clean up dirty diapers, messy hands, runny noses and even wipe down areas or items that your child has to touch.
If you are traveling by car and have the opportunity to have a dvd player I recommend bringing all of your childs favorite movies. If they aren't into movies yet that is fine too...the color, the movement and the noise can be great distractions. It might drive your husband crazy listening to cartoons over and over for long drives but I am sure he would prefer that to screaming, crying and whining.
Whatever you do try to stay relaxed and happy because if you are stressed then your child will be stressed and it will make things harder on you.
For more products that might help you on your travels visit www.onestopshopforkids.com
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