Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Everything a First Time Mom Needs to Know

TUMMY TALES: A Funny Loook at Pregnancy from the Eyes of a First Time Mom

First Trimester
One day you wake up feeling anything but fine

You take a test and your life is changed by a plus sign.

Sometimes it is a surprise, other time it is by plan
Either way in nine months you'll have a little woman or man.

In the first trimester you may be sick and sleepy
And sometimes for no reason, uncontrollably weepy.

In college you might have paid tribute to the porcelain king
During pregnancy it can become a gross and frequent thing.

Prenatal Meds are important but as big as a horse pill
Take them at night before bed to keep from getting ill.

Drink a lot of water before each and every check up

Because each visit begins with you peeing in a cup.

Because of your growing baby, Tylenol is about all you can take.

Being safe rather than sorry is the best choice you can make.

Pregnancy hormones may give you wild dreams at night

Some are fun, wacky, intense or scary and cause fright.

Sometimes not exercising due to pregnancy is a treat

And watching your husband do all the chores is really neat.

Second Trimester

In the first 20 weeks you may be full of worry

And hormones can change your mood in a hurry.

In the second trimester you may start to feel great

But suddenly you have gained a ton of weight!

Your whole body will change as you put on each pound

Your breast grow to be gigantic, firm and round.

When you gain weight your butt and hips may spread

It happens to all of us so don't cry and hide in bed.

Doctors say twenty to thirty-five pounds you should gain

So eat healthy and exercise, and it will fall off again.

Your baby will start kicking and quickly growing in your tummy

It will let you know when something tastes yucky or yummy.

You may place your hand on your tummy to feel each and every kick

The mere thought of something wrong will be enough to make you sick.

Once your baby starts kicking it will rarely be still

Nothing makes a baby move like orange juice will.

If sleeping on your tummy is your favorite way to rest

Get over it quickly because sleeping on your left side is best.

You go in for an ultrasound to check the hearts pace

Your own heart melts when you see your baby's face.

As your tummy expands there will be new clothes to buy

Pregnancy is amazing and beautiful so smile don't cry.

In the middle of the night you might crave pickles and ice cream

Begging your husband to get it for you might make him want to scream.

Once you learn the gender of your baby woman or man

You will have the nursery decor, names and baby showers to plan.

The wonderful compliments, well wishes and gifts you receive

Will be more thoughtful and amazing that you could ever believe.

Pamper yourself with a pedicure, manicure and a warm bath as a treat

But keep the water warm not hot or your baby will overheat.

Some people think sex is awkward and not as much fun

It will just be a little different because of carrying your little one.

Sometimes water will be the only thing you desire

It will be the one thing to help your heartburn fire.

Around 28 weeks you will take the glucose test

If given a choice on flavors, the orange tastes the best.

Third Trimester
As the third trimester progresses, your anxiety may heighten

Childbirth is almost here, but there is not reason to be frightened.

There are a few things to do in order to prepare for the big day

Wash blankets, clothes and get organized in every way.

One thing you will need a lot of in jammies
Make sure to have them at home and at each of the grammies.

Dads think that sleeping gowns on their sons don't look right

But they are great for changing diapers in the middle of the night.

When packing for the hospital there are a few things you might need

But you probably wont need everything you will read.

You might so tired and happy that you just don't care

But it's nice to have deodorant, shampoo and a brush for your hair.

You will want comfy clothes for you and your bundle of joy

A few blankets, a hat and socks for your little girl or boy.

Your new diaper bag may come in a colored pattern, cotton or tweed

Just make certain it has room for the million things you will need.

Diapers, wipes, clothes and "pacis" will fill your diaper bag

Orajel and teething tablets in your diaper bag will be a must keep

When your child starts teething neither of you will get much sleep.

Always have extra clothes for your baby and for you

It isn't pleasant smelling like spit up or baby poo.

Foods to avoid in pregnancy include sushi, alcohol and brie cheese

After labor you may want to say, "get me a big margarita please!"

Wearing super cute boots, sandals and heels can be a no-no

Because your center of balance will change as your uterus begins to grow.

You might out your dirty glass in your purse and your keys in the sink

Forgetfulness is common in pregnancy so don't worry about what others think.

During pregnancy you have lush hair and a maternal glow

This is one of the most amazing times your body will ever know.

While you are pregnant please don't smoke or drink

They can do more damage to your little one than you think.

When the doctor starts to check to see if you are dilated

Your big belly makes it uncomfortable and you may feel violated.

Don't worry if your dilation progress each week is slow

Your baby is just comfortable and is taking extra time to grow.

Don't worry much about your water breaking at the mall

It could be a gush of water, or a trickle of not much at all.

When your contractions start coming, wait until they are five minutes apart

You will know it is time when you feel it deep in your heart.

When you get to the hospital stay calm and nice

Because your attitude can make your nurses be like sugar or spice.

Epidural and pain meds depend on what you want to do

But I would definitely take the easier way if I were you.

Once labor starts your body leaks and does things you didn't know it could

On second thought...it will do things that you hoped it never would.

If the doctor breaks your water it will leak onto the sheet

But the nurse will clean it up before you and baby meet.

There is one thing that most women worry about in labor too

And that is pushing so hard that you accidentally go poo.

Don't worry about it if it happens and you make a mess

After your baby is born you will really care less.

The contractions will come quickly and may cause pain

Just keeping thinking about the love you are about to gain.

If you think you are a modest woman, be prepared not to be

During labor your "stuff" is on display for everyone to see.

If your baby is large your doctor may cut you down "there"

The cut will be much better than a painful tear.

Birth and Beyond
You push and push and push until you see your baby emerge

The memories of pain and gross fluids your brain will eventually purge.

Your baby is then laid up close to you on your chest

The bond you immediately feel is nothing short of being the best.

When your baby's gaze meets yours and it hears your voice

You know the gift of life is the ultimate gift and choice.

You may freak out as the doctor does the apgar test

Don't worry, they do it every day and they know what is best.

You may or may not circumcise due to your religious belief

Just having a healthy baby boy is a wonderful relief.

If you decide to breastfeed you will be put to a test

To teach your child to properly latch onto your breast.

One thing after childbirth that no woman wants or needs

Is that 10 day to 6 week heavy vaginal bleed.

After labor your baby is in diapers and you will be too

To catch all of that wonderful after pregnancy goo.

While you are in the hospital try to get lots of rest

At home, functioning on lack of sleep is put to the test.

Right after labor you are left with a saggy belly

Laugh hard and it will jiggle like a bowl of jelly.

The nurses will push on your tummy to make sure everything is out

Your tummy is sore and tired so it makes you want to shout!

Don't worry about your husband thinking you no longer look great

You just gave birth to his child so he loves that extra weight.

Afterwards it is sometimes difficult to go poo

So definitely take the medicine the doctor gives to you.

You might have stretch marks on your belly, thighs, and ass

But don't worry, with time the redness will pass.

If your baby cries your breast may leak milk quick

Sometimes it is a little bit, whereas others it's thick.

Post Partum depression may be something that you go through

So make sure to have friends and family near to support you.

When you get home everything for the two of you will be new

But even if you screw up, your baby will still love you.

Don't freak out if you think you did something wrong

Motherhood is new and you will learn as you go along.

Your family and friends will often try to tell you what to do

Listen to your maternal instinct and do what is right for you.

You will be so exhausted and you really need some sleep

But your mommy instinct will keep you awake to hear every baby peep.

So when your baby takes a nap you really should too

I know it will be hard when there is so much to do.

If you breastfeed your nipples will be at first sore to the touch

But you really won't care because you love your child so much.

Breastfeeding might make your nipples crack and bleed

So nipple creams will be something you definitely need.

When you start to wean from breastfeeding it may be hard to let go

Because as a mother it is a bond that only you and your child know.

Brushing your teeth and taking showers are a luxury from your past

If you get to do them now you better do them fast!

Your baby's first poops are really black and thick

Get ready mom, most of the time the poop makes daddy sick.

You may even see your husband gravel, plead and beg

To not clean up the poop creeping down your babies leg.

One thing that can be gross and expensive is a baby diaper rash

Keep your baby clean or the creams will cost you a lot of cash.

When changing a little boy, quickly cover the "wee-wee"

If you don't, you might end up with a face full of "pee-pee".

Diapers start to look like the baby food they eat

Cleaning up a green pea diaper isn't necessarily a treat.

Never leave your baby alone on the changing table, couch or bed

It could cause a very serious injury to little ones head.

Temperature is taking easier in the rear

So lube it up, smile and stick it in without fear.

To prevent SIDS, laying your baby on its back is best

Each night your maternal paranoia is put to the test.

Some people are against using a blanket swaddled tight

If you don't swaddle, get used to very little sleep at night.

You can bathe your baby in the tub or even in the sink

Either location will be more fun that you could ever think!

When giving a bath beware of water in the ears

And buy baby shampoo that doesn't cause tears.

Baby nails grow at a quick pace

Keep them short so they don't scratch their little face.

Your baby may need to eat every two hours to be happy and fine
Making, Cleaning and warming bottles requires an assembly line.

Make sure you take a pacifier for your child wherever you go

Keep them clean and sanitized so bacteria and germs don't grow.

Being quiet while your baby sleeps is a big mistake

Because then the tiniest noise they hear will make them wake.

Your heart will break when they get shots and cry

Especially when they look up at you like, "mommy why?"

Sometimes is takes a while to find the right pediatrician

They need to be knowledgeable and have tricks like a magician.

Crying and pulling at the ears raises the question

Does my little angel have an ear infection?

Little colds and ear infections may happen a lot to your baby

The constant doctor visits and worry might make you a little crazy.

Carrying your baby in its car seat can tone your arms faster

Be careful in stores, swinging it can cause a messy disaster.

Sending our a birth announcement to brag can be so much fun

There are so many excellent choices it is hard to choose just one!

You love your baby so much you want it attached to your hip

Be careful of the wobbly, unstable head, because it might bust your lip.

Activity mats will help your children learn to roll front to back

And when it comes to road trips to grandmas they are easy to pack.

When your baby has bad gas it will scream and yelp

Holding, burping and bouncing on your knee might help.

If you have pets let them love on your child

They will protect him/her from others, tame and/or wild.

Chest carriers and slings are great for going to the zoo or the mall

Its comforting to know you can move your hands freely and your baby won't fall.

It is so amazing when your baby shows you it's first smile

It will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy for more than just a while.

They smile and giggle when you play hide and seek

It's a game you now want to play all day and all week.

Cherish each and every boggery and slobbery kiss

As they grow up it will be one thing you will surely miss.

If your child has a special blanket or lovee always buy two

Because if you lost one then what the heck would you do?

When it comes to education start out right

By reading to your child each and every night.

Put all your extra change in a piggy bank for school

They think the jingling change sound is really cool.

Take your child to see Santa and the Easter Bunny

Those pictures are important and often times funny.

Instead of one bag for a weekend trip you now need about eight

One day your child will decide to take off and crawl

So make sure to block the stairs and all the outlets in the wall.

The choice of baby formula will be up to you

Most come in powder, liquid and travel packs too.

As your child grows there will be lots of toys and noise

Getting you ready for slumber parties of little girls or boys

Storing your child's outgrown clothes can sometimes be sad

Just remember the memories that all those clothes had.

Use the baby book to write down each and every milestone

So you can look back and reminisce when you child is full grown.

A digital camera is something that you will always want to pack

Catch every "first" you can because you can't get those back.

Pregnancy Complaints
With pregnancy there are many issues and complaints

And sometimes discomfort and physical restraint.

You might have stretching, soreness and an occasional spot

Acne, bloating, heartburn and sweating because you are hot.

You can be tired, dizzy, swollen and constantly have to pee

Have headaches, cravings, rashes and always be thirty.

Constipation, discharge and skin with a horrible itch

These crazy symptoms can make any woman a witch.

After all this, when the 40 weeks is through

Each and every moment will have been worth it for you.

Every woman's pregnancy is different in many ways

So sit back, relax and enjoy each and every day.

Congratulations on your bundle of joy!

All Rights Reserved by Jessica Chamberlain

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