Author: David Cummings
There are countless baby stroller accessories to choose fromwhen outfitting your child's stroller for a more comfortableride. There is everything from extra cushions, to strap coversand extra storage to toys that hang down for them to play withif the ride gets too boring. Baby stroller accessories fit mostall standard size strollers, and there are also baby strolleraccessories for double and triple strollers as well.Starting at the back of the stroller, where the parents standand push the stroller, there is a parent's organizer, which isbasically either a tray that snaps on to where the handle is ora 'bucket' that has Velcro straps and it hangs from the curvedhandle. The 'bucket' has two cup holders and a secret pocket forvaluables and the middle is insulated for snacks or can just beused to carry keys and a cell phone.Also in the back of the stroller are several different types ofstroller accessories such as mesh bags and thin backpack stylebags for carrying extra clothing or diapers or toys that don'tfit in the cargo area below. These bags usually Velcro on orslip over the handle bars or curved bar for pushing thestroller, in addition to the bags, there are large plastic hooksthat snap on to the arched pushing handle that will be able tohold a diaper bag strap, purse strap, grocery bag or a coat andscarf. They come in sets of two and are great strolleraccessories to add.There are countless items that can be snapped onto the arch thatis the handle that pushes the stroller. There are cup holders,an umbrella holder, a powerful light for dark nights, and anodometer for telling how far you've gone, especially for joggingstrollers.Inside the stroller there are a number of stroller accessoriesthat help baby to be more comfortable such as strap covers andadjustors, quilted bumper padding or a small head holder forwhen she or he is trying to sleep. Lambskin covers for theentire strollers inside to help keep them comfortable and thenthere are mesh netting that cover the entire strollers outsideso that there are no bugs getting to the babies and rain 'hoods'and covers to keep them dry.Other stroller accessories include frames to convert thestrollers into car seat or carrier holders so you don't have tomove the baby from the car seat over to the stroller; the carseat becomes the stroller.There are add-on stroller accessories such as the toddlerstroller step in which a toddler can stand and 'ride' along withthe baby. This attachment goes on the back of the stroller andhas two wheels to stable the child and they can hold on to the inside of the arch while the parent pushes the stroller. Alongthe same lines as the toddler stroller step, there is the jumpseat for toddlers in which it attaches to the back of thestroller, allowing the toddler to sit behind the baby and ridealong with them, basically making a single stroller into a stroller for two! About the author:Learn more about baby stroller accessories and understand why many parents choose baby stroller accessories to make strolling more enjoyable.
David Cummings is General Manager of Bustling Baby, a businessdevoted to providing baby mobility, comfort, and convenience toactive families.
David Cummings is General Manager of Bustling Baby, a businessdevoted to providing baby mobility, comfort, and convenience toactive families.
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