Are you interested in how to conceive a girl? Parents are often interested in potential effective ways to influence or predetermine the gender of their baby. And anyone that has a houseful of boys can probably sympathize! Boys are great and very energetic, but they are also very full of energy! No matter the reason for wanting to know how to conceive a girl, there are things the potential mother should think about.
For one, you never want to give in to rumor, stories, or "old wives tales" when it comes to how to conceive a girl. {For centuries people have been repeating tales of how to have intercourse, what time of the month to have intercourse, what time according to the Chinese lunar calendar to have intercourse, and so many other different fables and rumor when it comes to controlling or influencing the gender of the baby.} From a scientific and medical point of view, having intercourse during a certain time of month or time of year will have no influence on the baby's gender. The father's sperm will contain a Y chromosome, for a male, or an X chromosome, for a female. Whichever sperm reaches the egg first to fertilize it will determine the baby's gender. And how to how to conceive a girl baby?
In comparison to the Y chromosome, the X chromosome moves at slow speed but has long life span. This means that the "girl sperm" needs more time to reach the egg to fertilize it but they'll typically last longer than the boy sperm." When considering how to conceive a girl you might consider how the sperm is allowed to last in a woman's system; remember that pregnancy doesn't happen the instant intercourse is over. The vaginal pH can affect the life of the sperm. A more alkaline environment means that the sperm will last longer; if you are planning to have a girl, remember a girl sperm is hardier than a boy's." A higher acid level in the vagina can mean that the "boy sperm" will be more likely to die off, leaving room for the "girl sperm." A pH level can be checked relatively easily as there are many kits and testing items readily available at the pharmacy that can help with how to conceive a girl.