Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Beat Fat With Breakfast
Breakfast is easily the most overlooked solution when it comes to effective fat burning tips. Studies consistently show that people, who regularly eat breakfast, eat fewer calories throughout the day, have better nutritional habits, and weigh less than those who choose to skip breakfast.
When it comes to your fat loss, your goal is to make your body burn more calories. Your metabolism is like a burning fire, how can you make the fire burn stronger without putting something on it to burn? Our bodies are burning fat and calories 24 hours a day, however, calories are burned at the slowest rate while we are sleeping. Without something to jump-start it in the morning, your metabolism may remain in slow motion throughout the day and any extra calories – no matter how healthy - will be stored as fat.
The act of eating and digesting supportive foods frequently, increases your metabolism so you can burn more fat and calories all day long.
How to do it: Eat a supportive meal within an hour of waking. Feel like your always running late? No time to eat? The secret – get up 10-20 minutes earlier and keep it simple. Not only can you increase time spent with your family at the kitchen table, but making time to start your day off with a high protein, high fiber breakfast will boost your metabolism, your energy and your mood. Because breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get through your day, the more energy you have, the more active you'll be and the more active you are, the more calories you burn.
If you are not hungry first thing in the morning, try starting your day with a big glass of water or freshly brewed green tea. Proceed with your morning routine and plan to allow yourself about 10-15 minutes before you walk out the door to eat your breakfast.
If you like to exercise first thing in the morning, eat 30 to 45 minutes before your workout.
Try one of the following options:
1. Eat a light snack – yogurt or a piece of fruit. Eat your regular breakfast 30-45 minutes after your workout.
2. Eat half of your regular breakfast before the workout and the other half about 30-45 minutes after your workout.
3. Drink a meal replacement shake – quick and easy to make and for your body too digest.
Watch out for "Protein/Breakfast Bars". Many of these items seem appealing for they are quick and easy; however the majority of these bars are loaded with sugar and fat. Check the nutrition facts.
Here are some breakfast fat loss favorites: Cereal is a MUST. It's convenient, easy to prepare, easy to eat and full of nutrients – No…"Whole Grain Lucky Charm" does not fall into this category. Be sure to choose your cereals based on the information on the food label.
The top choices should have:
• 5 grams of Fiber or more
• 8 grams of Sugar or LESS
• Sugar not listed among the first 3 ingredients.
For all other breakfast options, be sure to include a protein, complex carbohydrate, and fresh or frozen fruit. These are some of my favorites:
• Oatmeal with natural peanut butter, cinnamon and a side of fresh berries.
• Kashi Go Lean Crunch with skim milk and a banana.
• Scrambled egg whites topped with salsa and shredded cheese wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.
• Meal Replacement Shake with a piece of fruit.
So if you're interested in fat loss, make sure you don't forget – breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
About the Author
Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to http://www.fityummymummy.com to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Two Flat Stomach Secrets For Women
Fit Yummy Mummy
Have you tried everything under the sun to get a flat stomach, only to come up disappointed? Have you fallen prey to all the gimmicks, fad diets and shameless infomercials promising you that elusive flat stomach that you desire?
Well fret no more, I'm going to let you in on the two ‘secrets' that will help you shed unwanted fat and reveal your toned, flat stomach once and for all.
The first secret for a flat stomach is eating supportively. While this doesn't seem like a secret at all, most women get this wrong in spite of their best – but misguided – efforts. Women have fallen prey to low-fat, low-carb, Hollywood, grapefruit, South Beach and every other over hyped diet that marketers can dream up, all in hopes of shedding those unwanted pounds. But eating supportively is isn't about dieting or deprivation; it's about moderation and balance. While cutting carbs or fats out of your nutrition plan might give you a temporary loss of a couple of pounds, it's typically followed by a drop in metabolism and a weight gain of more than you lost in the first place once you go back to your old eating habits.
So what is eating supportively? Eating supportively is having protein and carbohydrates at every meal. It's grazing on 4-6 meals or snack each day instead of missing meals and then gorging yourself. It's enjoying a healthy breakfast and not drinking your calories. But most of all, eating supportively is enjoying the foods you love in moderation instead of in excess.
If eating supportively is the first secret to a flat stomach, then what's the second? The second flat stomach secret is resistance training. Unfortunately, just as fad diets have stood in the path of women achieving the flat stomachs they so desired, so have the myths of spot reduction and cardio being the best method for fat loss. Late night infomercials have long promoted gadgets that promised to spot reduce those trouble spots that women struggle with and sucked us in with testimonials from fitness models that undoubtedly picked up a nifty paycheck for endorsing their wares. But spot reduction is a myth. Think about it – have you ever met someone with a flat stomach and fat arms? Didn't think so. If spot reduction was possible then undoubtedly one of these happy customers would have toned and tightened their stomach, yet kept their flabby arms.
The other myth that has led women astray is the belief that cardio is the best solution for fat loss. Treadmill manufacturers have sold the virtues of the ‘fat burning zone' and led us to believe that we could plod along on a treadmill watching Oprah and before long a flat stomach would be ours. These two myths have diverted us from the path of what really does work – resistance training. Resistance training is a flat stomach's best friend because not only does an effective resistance training session burn plenty of calories while you're doing it, but it keeps you're metabolism revved long after you're done. One recent study showed that you're metabolism would stay elevated for over 36 hours after a resistance training session.
Try to get that out of an aerobics class.
And there's another benefit of resistance training when it comes to getting a flat stomach. The lean muscle that you gain will raise you're resting metabolic rate and help you burn more fat all day long, each and every day.
There you have it, two ‘secrets' that are guaranteed to boost your metabolism and give you that flat stomach you've been longing for. So ditch the diet books and the aerobics classes and start eating supportively and resistance training. Before long that flat stomach will finally be yours.
About the Author
Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to http://www.fityummymummy.com to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."
Friday, February 25, 2011
Fit Yummy Mummy Review
Fit Yummy Mummy Review
What Is It?
This lifestyle program for busy moms is a comprehensive guide to what’s arguably the most widespread, challenging and frustrating issue faced by moms today: how to get their pre-baby body back. For almost all mothers the changes their bodies incur during pregnancy coupled with the countless responsibilities that motherhood bring spell trouble for regaining their pre-pregnancy figure.
There is no shortage of fitness, diet and fat loss products on the market today. You can find a veritable library of conflicting arguments almost anywhere you choose to seek information on the subject of fitness for women, whether it’s online, at your local library, through contact with personal trainers, or through the (less reputable but nevertheless very common) ranks of wannabe experts: aka, those frustrating people with no qualifications and no practical experience but are self professed experts because they ready the last issue of Shape magazine.
What Sets This Product Apart?
After months of frustration spent trawling through the mass of conflicting information on fitness and fat loss, it was with a mixture of joy and near-tearful relief that I stumbled across “Fit Yummy Mummy”, by Holly Rigsby. As the title suggests, this product is specifically for moms wanting to get fit. Literally all aspects of losing fat and getting fit are covered – and the best part is that it is written specifically for busy moms. The material is presented in a manner both chatty and educational – it’s kind of like having a friendly conversation with a close friend that happens to be a fitness expert (with the added benefit of being able to refresh your understanding of the matter at any given time, simply by scrolling back to the relevant section!)
The tone of the book presents a welcome contrast to the other fitness products so freely available elsewhere on the Net: it’s friendly, understanding of the unique situations moms face, informative, and above all, commonsensical. No unrealistic recommendations, 2 hour workouts, or zero-carb diets here: it doesn’t take long to see that this lady knows what she’s talking about when it comes to mom’s lifestyles (and did I mention she’s a mom too?)
What’s Actually Included?
There’s a quick section on getting started and goal setting along with some morale-boosting advice on how to stay on track throughout the program, and then it’s straight into an action plan to get you started on the path to burning baby fat and getting your body back.
The Supportive Nutrition Plan is next – this is particularly helpful! Every conceivable nutrition issue is covered, from how often you should eat to what you should keep in your pantry. And on top of that, it includes a ‘Create a Menu Planner’ to guide you in creating every meal to support your success.
Next, the Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss workouts are covered, but not without easy to follow explanations of the why’s and the how’s for every part of the workout program. The workout plan even offers four different formats that you can plug into your lifestyle, something not found in any of the cookie cutter fat loss programs on the market. My favorite part of the workout section is that regardless of your exercise (or lack of exercise) background, there is a workout designed specifically for you. And no matter what you fitness level is, none of the workout programs require more than 90 minutes a week.
Finally, there’s a section called the Busy Mom’s Fat Loss Companion crammed with easy to use tools and resources like a goal setting sheet, fitness journal, exercise descriptions and even a ready made grocery list. The author has figured out every excuse and obstacle busy moms have and addressed them all.
Just Because It’s Detailed Doesn’t Mean It’s Confusing
Sound overwhelming? It’s actually very user-friendly. Not only is this e-book packed with sound practical advice and the whole thing is laid out in a very logical and easy-to-understand format, but it comes with a Quick Start Guide to make sure you start acting (and seeing results) fast. The tone of Fit Yummy Mummy light and non-threatening (no scientific terminology here!) and it proceeds in a logical manner from step to step, with plenty of photos and descriptions to ensure that you are doing everything right.
In my opinion, one of the best parts: a follow up e-mail coaching series from the author that keeps you on track, gives you daily fitness tips and even healthy recipes. While most moms have the best of intentions, staying on track is tough. This follow up e-mail coaching series is the perfect solution.
The Verdict
Regaining their pre-pregnancy body is a daunting task for most moms, but the author’s personal experience and hands on work with over 250 moms is pretty reassuring; and she certainly knows how to break it down for even the most exercise illiterate. In addition to the main features detailed above, there are plenty of valuable extras included to make getting your pre-baby body back as easy as possible: checklists, do’s and don’ts, printable workout sheets, even ready to follow meal plans!
All in all, two thumbs up from me: when the information on hand is as detailed, easy to absorb, and - above all – reliable as Fit Yummy Mummy, you really can’t go wrong.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Garden Floral: Aloe - Le Papier Boutique Price: 2.04 Invite guests to a special christening with a touch of vintage style. A little bird and blooming branches offer both a classic accent and modern twist to this design. Matching thank you cards are also available.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Garden Floral: Chenille - Le Papier Boutique Price: 2.04 Invite guests to a special christening with a touch of vintage style. A little bird and blooming branches offer both a classic accent and modern twist to this design. Matching thank you cards are also available.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Multi Photo Cross Boy Baptism Invitations - Erin And Ilene Price: 2.59 Adding a picture of your newborn to baptism invitations is becoming an increasingly popular trend among parents. Indulge loved ones with two photos of your new baby boy. Your invitation message is printed against a delicate blue background with a scalloped border. A classic cross is also featured in the upper right-hand corner.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Multi Photo Cross Girl Baptism Invitations - Erin And Ilene Price: 2.59 Adding a picture of your newborn to baptism invitations is becoming an increasingly popular trend among parents. Indulge loved ones with two photos of your new baby girl. Your invitation message is printed against a sweet pink background with a scalloped border. A classic cross is also featured in the upper right-hand corner.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Flower Cross Blue Baptism Christening Invitations - Le Papier Boutique Price: 2.04 Use this simple, sweet flat card with a cross and string of delicate flowers to celebrate your child's baptism celebration.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Flower Cross White Baptism Christening Invitations - Le Papier Boutique Price: 2.04 Use this simple, sweet flat card with a cross and string of pink flowers to celebrate your child's baptism celebration.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Multi Photo Boy Baptism Invitations - Erin And Ilene Price: 2.59 Adding a picture of your newborn to baptism invitations is becoming an increasingly popular trend among parents. Indulge loved ones with three photos of your new baby boy. Your invitation message is printed against a delicate blue background with a scalloped border on the top.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Floral Cross: Lightest Turquoise - Hello Little One For Tiny Prints Price: 2.34 Share your joy with family and friends in a bold and beautiful way with this delightful baptism invitation from Hello Little One. Full of elegance and sophistication, this sweet design is sure to win the hearts of your friends and family.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Floral Cross: Tea Rose - Hello Little One For Tiny Prints Price: 2.34 Share your joy with family and friends in a bold and beautiful way with this delightful baptism invitation from Hello Little One. Full of elegance and sophistication, this sweet design is sure to win the hearts of your friends and family.
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Blue Oval Cross Baptism Invitations - Grace Designs Price: 2.04 This christening invitation is clean and simple with traditional cursive font in black ink and a small image of a cross in hues of khaki and blue. Sold exclusively on Tiny Prints!
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Pink Oval Cross Baptism Invitations - Grace Designs Price: 2.04 This christening invitation is clean and simple with traditional cursive font in black ink and a small image of a cross in hues of khaki and pink. Sold exclusively on Tiny Prints!
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Gold Verse Photo Baptism Invitations - Grace Designs Price: 2.34 This photo baptism invitation combines contemporary design with traditional font. Colors of deep gold in dots and semi-circles make this baptism invitation unique. Text is printed in a script font which adds a traditional touch to this modern design. Sold exclusively on Tiny Prints!
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Blue Verse Photo Baptism Invitations - Grace Designs Price: 2.34 This photo baptism invitation combines contemporary design with traditional font. Colors of sky blue in dots and semi-circles make this baptism invitation unique. Text is printed in a script font which adds a traditional touch to this modern design. Sold exclusively on Tiny Prints!
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Pink Verse Photo Baptism Invitations - Grace Designs Price: 2.34 This photo baptism invitation combines contemporary design with traditional font. Colors of warm pink in dots and semi-circles make this baptism invitation unique. Text is printed in a script font which adds a traditional touch to this modern design. Sold exclusively on Tiny Prints!
Baptism, Christening Invitations - Stitch: Blue - Grace Designs Price: 2.04 This christening invitation blends soft tones of tan and baby blue together. Simple patterns of dots and lines enhance this card. Sold exclusively on Tiny Prints!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Teach Your Kids to Read with Your Baby Can Read
This amazing program will help you as a parent learn how to communicate with your baby at a very early age and give them a leg up on learning.
This program increases their communication skills, enhances their learning ability, gives them greater confidence which in turn results in future success.
You can choose from DVDS, word cards, flap books and more. It is an amazing opportunity to help you communicate with your children so purchase it today!
Your Baby Can Read! Early Language Development System - Click Here!
The Elf on the Shelf- Fun holiday tradition
The premise of the Elf on the Shelf is Santa sends the elf to your home to watch your children before Santa arrives. The children name their elf and they are instructed not to touch the elf for that will weaken his powers and ability to return to the North Pole to report to Santa. Every night after the children go to bed, the Elf magically goes to see Santa and then returns to the home in a different location. When your children wake up they rush around the house to find their elf and make sure that he returned. They tell the elf what is on their list which helps the parents learn exactly what Santa needs to bring.
It is a wonderful tradition that will make many memories that last a lifetime.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Baby Sign Language- Understand Your Children Early On
Don't you wish you could know what your infant is feeling? Wanting? Needing? Well now you can with the help of Baby Sign Laguage. This program will help you learn the signs to teach your child so they can communicate with you when they are sick, hungry, dirty, tired and more.
Can your baby tell you what's wrong when she's sick? See the Baby Signs Video Dictionary to learn the signs for "hurt" and "hot" today.
Other great products for signing with your baby are Baby Sign Language Basics
Visit www.onestopshopforkids.com for all other baby needs.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mixing Formula for Your Baby-Use the Dr. Browns Formula Mixing Pitcher
This pitcher allows you to mix up to 4 bottles formula for your little one ahead of time so it is ready when you and your baby are ready. It also helps the bubbles settle which will help ease discomfort in your little one. Best of all, all the parts are dishwasher safe and BPA free which will also save new parents precious time that they can spend with their little one or each other.
For more great feeding products for your baby visit One Stop Shop for Kids
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Adorable lunch box options for little kids!
Princesses Personalized Stickers (1 Dozen) |
Princess Accessories Personalized Stickers (1 Dozen) |
Princess Wishes Accessories Personalized Stickers (1 Dozen) |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Adorable products at the Kimmy Shop - Backyardigans, Deigo and much more!
When it comes to The Backyardigans they have products like games, movies, stickers and much more to keep your child occupied and learning all at the same time!!